Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Legos and D&D

I grew up with a low level of lead poisoning from both handling miniatures and painting them in confined spaces. By the end of a painting session my snot would be the color of whatever base spray I was using, usually black.  It haf uffected me vari litl. I seem to have gotten through that fine, but with my kids, for miniatures, we're currently using legos. We have literally a ton (literally). We have dwarves, orcs, knights, hobbits, dragons, trolls and countless pieces to build rooms and walls.

It's really quite useful. If we crit-miss and our battle axe goes flying, we pop it out of the figure's hand and place it where it lands. If we need a room with pillars and stairs, we just slap together a quick layout. The lego miniatures, being their favorite toy right now, help keep their attention, they are able to continue playing when we're not playing, and they can change and alter their character's appearance as they wish. Different helmets, armor, weapons, packs ... it's all possible.

Update: Nov 4th, 2012 : They discovered regular miniatures.  I now have no money and am down to my last few brain cells.  Pre-painted plastic though, while not as awesome as painting your own, still cool!

Update: Jan 18th, 2014 :  Two Bones Kickstarter's have happened.  We no have more miniatures than there are people in the world. (image from: forum.rpg.net)

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