Even though we are using virtual table top software, as a group we still like miniatures so the extent of our use of the software is to project high quality maps with dynamic lighting. We all get by with our painting, and I am willing to put quite a bit of time into the player models. I prefer that the figures pretty closely match the character. For instance in the Carrion Crown adventure path being run by Jerrod I am a cutlass wielding magus that is a member of the Jenevier's crew. So, sailor-like, with cutlass. I found a good Reaper Mini, but he was holding a musket, so I changed that. I snipped off the pistol you can see in the right image, and added the front of a cutlass that I also ordered from Reaper. Sadly we're playing with Cthulhu-esque insanity rules and this character will be insane soon.

The second modification we needed for Carrion Crown was my wife's cleric. I love playing with people that don't know the rules because their characters are completely story-driven or "this is interesting"-driven. She is a cleric who worships
Jazirian, the god of the Couatl, "a long, feathered serpent with a pair of rainbow-feathered wings that allow it to fly." (
Wikipedia, 2013).
Because of the rainbow colored wings she found an image of a woman with
rainbow colored hair, and the look of her character was formed.

Based on some of my knowledge of Pathfinder, and the usefulness of attacks-of-opportunity as a focus for clerics we decided her character would use a "Flying Blade". An exotic gladiator style weapon consisting of a crescent shaped blade at the end of a 10 foot chain. In our first session we quickly found a figure for her. The WizKid's "Evil Cleric" was close. Short, bright hair with studded leather. Good enough. Finally, after a few weeks of play I modified the WizKids figure. Using
Green Stuff I modeled and painted some hair (BIG improvement!). I ordered some
chains from Reaper (and am just noticing the great crescent shaped blades). I modeled a blade using Green Stuff, snipped off the Evil Cleric's holy symbol and blade and worked it all together. Last I added a hilt for the sword that should be in the scabbard. (I have some Games Workshop sets and you end up with tons of extra weapons.

You can do a lot with a little Green Stuff and very little skill. Again though, I have the greatest respect for skilled modelers. I can barely make a simple ... anything. While I will likely never have any skill at modeling I am hoping to one day make my own figure. In a later post I will show some of the figures my kids and I have attempted.
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