Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Build - Crypt of the Everflame

Here is a Flikr photo set with images from the build of the Crypt of the Everflame. I really have no estimate of the time it took to do as I did an hour here, a few here, cast bricks while doing other things, etc. It was a three or more months of calendar time though, but I went weeks without working on it.

I tried to stay as true to the provided map as possible while making alterations necessary for working with the Hirst Arts materials.  For instance you can see the pillars in the map are 5' x 5' while the Hirst Arts pillars are smaller, thus placement was different.  Also, originally I did not know I was going to make sarcophagus lids so I used insets in the walls at first.  All in all I think it ended up being pretty close to the original while utilizing some of the cool things that could be done with Hirst Arts.

This was my first such build.  As stated in an earlier post, I was introduced to this technique during two sessions at PaizoCon 2012 presented by Sean Reynolds. One was using foam for terrain making and the other was on casting castle and dungeon bits using Hirst Arts molds.  I highly recommend the Reynolds sessions as a great introduction to both techniques, and recommend Hirst Arts.  Hirst makes awesome molds that can be used for specific builds, or for making Dwarven Forge type reusable pieces.

Here is a list of some of the materials I used in this build:


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